All posts in Sharing Friday

Pentru Sharing Friday-ul acestei saptamani, vrem sa ne mandrim cu Alexandru (Andi) Raduta, colegul nostru viral pe internet dupa ultima lui isprava de programator amuzant: Grapinizer. ย Este singura unealta care iti grapineaza textele scrise corect.

Vorbiti grapineza? Live wall-ul nostru spune ca are din ce in ce mai multi convertiti:ย


Andi ne-a mai facut inainte sa radem in hohote si cu:
– un lifehack foarte util, daca vreti vreodata sa para ca sunteti ocupati cu programarea
– o platforma interna super utila de facut programari la toaleta
instantanee magice cu animalele din bucataria noastra.

Iar daca nu mai cititi niciodata online despre Ion Iliescu, tot opera lui e.


Felicitari, Andi, si lol!

Dintr-un mail intern:


Astazi mi-a venit o idee geniala, daca trece cineva prin dreptul biroului vostru si vreti sa para ca programati deschideti gif-ul atasat intr-o fereastra de browser, sa zicem Chrome, dati F11 pentru fullscreen si treceti degetele usor peste taste ca sa para ca tastati.

Pentru un spor de dramatism puteti sa puneti o mana la tampla sau sa bateti tare in taste ca sa para ca va da de furca acest cod sursa.

Cu placere,


Nu stim cum e prin bucatariile voastre, dar pe adresele noastre de e-mail mai poposesc ocazional asemenea instantanee cu animale minunate care-au fost observate in cladire, posibil in cautare de bambus.



Checking email less often may reduce stress in part by cutting down on the need to switch between tasks. An unfortunate limitation of the human mind is that it cannot perform two demanding tasks simultaneously, so flipping back and forth between two different tasks saps cognitive resources. As a result, people can become less efficient in each of the tasks they need to accomplish. In addition to providing an unending source of new tasks for our to-do lists, email could also be making us less efficient at accomplishing those tasks.

For some individuals, though, checking email less frequently is simply not an option. The stockbroker who misses a million-dollar deal by logging off email is likely to feel more, not less, stressed. That said, most of us probably check our email more often than is truly necessary to get our job done. A recent survey found that 55 percent of workers reported checking their email after 11 p.m. โ€” and 6 percent reported checking email while they or their spouse were in labor. (One of the authors of this article admits to falling into this 6 percent.)


De aici.

โ€ฆ the dark side of this social conformity is when we deeply lose ourselves or negate what authentically and compassionately feels to be ‘us’; to the degree that we no longer recognize the experience, our voice, the memory or even the view of ourselves.

When this starts to happen, feelings of guilt and distaste towards ourselves can create a cognitive trap of alienation and possibly even a sense of disconnection and paranoia.

Mai multe detalii aici.

Pentru noi, aceasta este ultima zi la birou pe 2014. Ne pregatim sa ne indreptam spre diverse cabane plapumioara, dar nu inainte de a ciocni un pahar de vin si-a ne bucura de rasfaturile care au tot ajuns la sediul nostru in ultima saptamana.

Multumiri tuturor colaboratorilor si partenerilor pentru un 2014 bun. ๐Ÿ™‚


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