All posts in Sharing Friday

32.073 de oameni, suparati pe politicile si manipularile Facebook, s-au decis sa renunte la serviciile retelei de socializare timp de 99 de zile.

How to join the experiment.

Joining the 99 days of freedom experiment only takes a few minutes. Yet it saves the average user 1683 minutes. That’s well over 28 hours of freedom! We will contact you after 33, 66 and 99 days, to see how you’re doing.


99 Days Of Freedom


Mai multe detalii sunt aici.

NYC Taxis: A Day in the Life


This civic technology project visualizes taxi trip data from 2013, showing the activities of a single taxi on a single day. The original data include ~170 Million trips. Of these, 30 cab/days were queried at random for inclusion in this project. The data were provided by the Taxi and Limousine Commission via a FOIL request.

The intent is to analyze running counts of fares, taxes, etc, over the course of a day, and to see how/when taxis move around New York.

The raw data include only start and end locations for each trip. These points were run through Google’s Directions API to create the routes shown in this visualization. Of course, these are Google’s best choice, not necessarily the one the taxi took.

